Opus et Futurum

Über E-Konvertierung

Ein Schritt in Richtung nachhaltige Mobilität

E-Konvertierung: Eine Revolution im Automobilsektor

E-conversion, known as electric conversion, is a breakthrough advance in the automotive industry that transforms your classic vintage petrol car into a modern electric car. This change is not only a technological masterpiece, but also enables you to actively participate in shaping a sustainable future.

The essence of this process lies in the e-conversion itself. It converts your beloved classic car, equipped with an internal combustion engine, into an electric vehicle (EV). It does this by replacing the existing engine and fuel system with an electric motor and battery. A typical e-conversion project can increase vehicle weight by up to 161 kg, but also offers significant range and acceleration.

Ihr Oldtimer geht mit der Zeit

Der E-Konvertierungsprozess

The e-conversion process is complex and requires both mechanical and electrical expertise. First, the vehicle is stripped of its internal combustion engine. An electric motor is then installed, which is connected to a specially developed battery. This battery is then integrated into the vehicle’s existing electrical system. Adjustments to other systems on the vehicle are also required, including the cooling and heating systems and the braking system.

electric conversion

Der Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Mobilitätszukunft

E-conversion is more than just a technical process. It is an effective way to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and take an active step towards a greener future.

A converted electric car consumes on average only about 15 to 20 kWh per 100 km in city and intercity traffic. Compared to conventional petrol or diesel vehicles, this is a significant advantage that translates into lower running costs.

As technology advances and electric mobility becomes more important, expect e-conversions to become even more attractive in the years to come.

In addition to the personal satisfaction you can derive from maintaining and modernizing your classic car, e-conversion also offers potential financial benefits. With increasing interest in electric vehicles and sustainable mobility, converted classic cars can increase in value, especially as the demand for unique, eco-friendly vehicles continues to grow. In addition, you can make significant savings by reducing operating costs and being exempt from certain EV levies or taxes.

Ihre E-Konvertierung

Verschmelzung von Alt und Neu

Durch die E-Konvertierung erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, die historische Ästhetik Ihres Oldtimers beizubehalten, während Sie die Vorteile moderner, umweltfreundlicher Technologie nutzen. Ihr Fahrzeug behält seine einzigartige Identität und seinen Charme, profitiert jedoch von verbesserter Energieeffizienz, geringeren Betriebskosten und einer reduzierten Umweltbelastung. Es wird zu einem faszinierenden Symbol für die Kombination von Tradition und Innovation, einem einzigartigen Hybrid aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft.